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Not feeling well? Here are some practical home remedies

Not feeling well? Here are some practical home remedies

It’s that time of year. Colds, the flu, general malaise … winter hasn’t left yet.

On the heels of my entire family — and even our nanny — being sick, I’ve compiled my favorite all-natural home remedies.

To be clear, I’m not a doctor. This isn’t medical advice and I’m not opposed to medicine. But these remedies have eased symptoms and helped me bounce back. I hope they help you, too.

Wild cherry bark syrup
Bark syrup is really helpful for bad colds, coughs and even bronchitis. I like the Planetary Herbals version because it also contains other roots, barks, seeds, leaves and flowers, based on traditional remedies from around the world. I usually have a tablespoon of this (admittedly not delicious) syrup, a few times a day when I’m in rough shape. Thanks to the alcohol, it’s a useful sedative at night.

A few notes: It’s not safe for pregnant or nursing moms (wild cherry contains a chemical, prunasin, which can cause birth defects), and because it contains alcohol, I wouldn’t give it to young children either.

My daughter seems to get the worst congestion. Because she’s too young for decongestants, we do this a lot. I use the shower to get the bathroom hot and steamy before her nighttime bath. That moist, wet air works wonders for clearing sinuses. When I need this kind of relief, I use a eucalyptus shower tab or few drops of essential oil. It’s an invigorating and even enjoyable way to clear your passages.

Andrew Chevallier, author of one of my favorite books on this topic, “Herbal Remedies,” says garlic is great for “all types of respiratory infections, including sinusitis, cold, flu, sore throat, cough, and more specifically, bronchitis.”

Try swallowing one small clove of garlic whole next time you want to strengthen your body’s defenses or speed up recovery.

Chevallier also offers this recipe: In a mug, combine 1 clove of crushed garlic, freshly squeezed lemon juice (from roughly ½ a lemon), 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey and a pinch of ginger powder (or chopped and peeled fresh ginger). Add hot water and stir.

Vitamin C
Generally, loading up on vitamin C during a cold won’t make a difference, but there is some data to suggest a supplement may expedite recovery and reduce symptom severity. I take it when I’m around other people who have colds. Though my husband says it’s all in my head, I think it helps. I might escalate to the packets that contain other vitamins, like Emergen-C, the moment symptoms appears.

On a related note, research also suggests zinc lozenges may shorten the duration of a cold.

In Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, ginger is a universal remedy. It’s used for nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness, gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, irregular menstrual cycles, headaches, viral infections and more.

See Also

When you’re under the weather, simmer sliced ginger for about 5 minutes (using 1 inch of the root per cup of tea). You may also add honey to improve taste, soothe your throat and, according to Ayurveda, soup up the internal cleanse.

Finally, we all know this, but I have to mention it anyway:

Nothing heals like sleep. I remember marveling a few years ago how, after running a marathon, I felt like I’d been hit by a truck. Everything ached. I went to bed feeling destroyed and woke up the next morning like a new person. I couldn’t believe how much repair happened overnight. Miraculous!

These natural remedies have served me well. They’re great ways to care for yourself when you’re down.

And I hope you don’t need them anytime soon.

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