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A Simple Way To Brighten Your Day

A Simple Way To Brighten Your Day

Today’s Feel Your Best Tip can brighten someone’s day, and yours too! Next time someone asks how you’re doing, say “magnificent,” or any other exuberant, over the top word.

A guy said that to me the other week in the grocery store, and it was so unexpected and positive, it made me catch myself racing around, consumed with knocking things off my to-do list, and take a step back and smile! I just stopped and was like “that’s awesome!”

I don’t even think you need to feel like a million bucks when tell someone you’re “incredible.” This is more like a positive affirmation and an act of generosity to whoever asks the question (because let’s be honest, usually that person doesn’t want a dissertation on our status and our answers are typically mindless).

I admit sometimes this feels a little weird. It’s vulnerable, and not everyone is ready for our awesomeness. But for the most part it’s fun, kind of a rush, and can brighten your day. So try it out!

See Also
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

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