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Veggie pockets

Veggie pockets

The main idea: Sauté and/or steam whatever veggies you have on hand, add some salt, then pile them into a pita with your favorite cheese. I think brie makes this interesting and special.

In a large pot, sauté 1 onion (diced) and 4 cloves garlic (minced) in 2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil for 4 minutes. Add remaining veggies of choice. I use something like 1 or 2 zucchinis, 1 cup mushrooms, 1 broccoli crown and 1 bell pepper.

Cook and stir occasionally until veggies reduce. You may occasionally put the lid on the pot to help them cook faster. Sprinkle with salt.  Serve in whole wheat pitas with slices of brie. 

See Also

This makes about 4 servings.

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