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Snacks that won’t bum you out

Snacks that won’t bum you out

My family and I have spent the past week moving, and the week before that, living in a sea of boxes and mess. I doubt moving is ever particularly fun, but managing it with a 2- and 3-year old has been intense.

Amid all the chaos, the last thing on my mind has been healthy eating, or even eating at all. It’s been a few weeks of junk food galore — grabbing of whatever snacks I can find and downing them quickly to quell hunger and stress.

The whole thing has brought renewed appreciation to my usual go-to snacks that have a hint of indulgence but nutritionally redeeming value, too. Most important, I enjoy eating them, and they don’t make me feel bloated or gross.

Today, I’m sharing some of those snack picks. Please send me your favorites in this category, too! (There’s an entry form on the bottom of the “quick and easy recipes” page).

Let’s dig in.

Fruit and fat.

There are all kinds of ways to play with this combo (some more nutritious than others), but it can be really satisfying.

My favorite right now is sliced green apple with brie or extra-sharp cheddar cheese.

I love green apples. They’re crunchy, refreshing, not too sweet, and they pair nicely with a lot of things.

Banana and nuts is a good combo, too. I go through phases, but cashews are a favorite. I like to buy them in the bulk section and store them in the freezer. This gives them an extra crunch that makes them even more enjoyable.


Hummus and crackers.

See Also
Photo by Bing Han on Unsplash

I’m really into Mary’s Gone Crackers: super seed. They’re not cheap, but they’re loaded with healthful stuff and a great vehicle for tasty toppings, such as hummus. I usually buy my hummus, but I’ve included a fun recipe to make it at home, too:

See spinach and artichoke hummus recipe.

Egg muffins.

Pictured above, these are great to keep in the fridge or freezer and grab when you want something quick and healthful without a fuss. I like this recipe because it’s easy to prep and store. It’s also nutritious and filling enough when you have a few.

Recipe here.

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