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Spinach and artichoke hummus

Spinach and artichoke hummus


1 can chickpeas, drained (but save 1/4 cup of the liquid)

2 tablespoons tahini

Juice of 1 lemon (or more to taste)

1 teaspoon salt (or more to taste)

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for serving

2 cloves garlic

1 cup fresh spinach, finely chopped

See Also

8 ounces artichokes, rinsed and chopped


Strain and rinse the chickpeas (if you forget to reserve ¼ cup of liquid, use water instead). In a food processor, blend the chickpeas with all but final two ingredients for about 2 minutes, until smooth and creamy.

Add the spinach and artichokes and pulse briefly (20-30 seconds).

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