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Sweet bites to start 2022

Sweet bites to start 2022

Let’s talk about brownies.

I have a major sweet tooth, and I have friends and relatives with various food intolerances. So, as I started thinking about what to make for our very small New Year’s celebration this year, my black bean brownie recipe came to mind.

If you’re freaked out by the idea of black beans in your brownies, fair enough. But they’re tasty and incredibly easy to make. Double win.

In addition to that recipe, I’d like to offer another one to check out, too. The name “Paleo Crack Brownies” really caught my eye. I was also struck by who the recipe came from.

Barbara Zuluaga is the founder of Honest Eats, a paleo, ketogenic and plant-based prepared-meal company that’s opening a brick-and-mortar store in the new year. Their location at M-K-T in the Heights will feature a bone broth bar, desserts and refrigerated ready-to-eat meals. (So, if you’re intimidated by the brownie recipe, you can wait for Zuluaga to make a batch for you!)

Please remember to send me your favorite quick and easy recipes. I’m always on the hunt for new goodies — desserts and otherwise. You can send them to me here (go to the bottom of the page) and while on my website, you can also sign up for Lift Your Vibe, a four-week meditation program I’m running in the new year.

See Also
Photo by Domingo Alvarez E on Unsplash

Cheers to a sweet start to 2022!

Black bean brownie recipe here.

Paleo crack brownie recipe here.

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