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How (and why) to make smoothies your thing

How (and why) to make smoothies your thing

One of the healthiest parts of my diet is my smoothie regimen. I try to make a veggie-packed blended drink at least a few times per week. It’s a simple, reliable way to make sure I’m getting enough vegetables in my diet.

Have you ever noticed that consuming vegetables — even if you like or don’t mind them — can sometimes be difficult?

Say, for example, you have cereal for breakfast. A sandwich, piece of fruit and chips for lunch. Maybe on a good day, chicken, rice and a few spears of asparagus for dinner. This isn’t an atypical diet (notwithstanding various sweets and snacks sprinkled in); and it’s simply not enough vegetables.

To be clear, I’m not diet shaming. That’s not my thing, and besides, the reason I’m bringing this up in the first place is because I know the pitfall personally. I also have a few ideas on how to address it.

But first, here’s why this matters.

Back when my mom was going through cancer treatment, I researched which foods can help fight the disease and manage the effects of harsh treatments like surgery and chemotherapy.

I learned that broccoli has anti-cancer effects and its sprouts — which are great in salads — are brimming with protective chemicals. Celery can help with everything from migraines to lowering blood pressure and body aches. Yams are great for women and can help relieve PMS symptoms. Fennel relieves intestinal cramps and gas. Brussels sprouts promote bowel regularity. Beets have long been used for medicinal purposes, particularly for the liver. Ginger helps everything from motion sickness to morning sickness, even arthritis. Garlic, the “Russian penicillin,” helps ward off common infections and, like all this stuff, protects against heart disease and cancer. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects and can help with stiffness, swelling and pain. Cherries also have pain-relieving qualities and can even help with sleep.

I could go on and on, and I’m only scratching the surface with what each of these natural superfoods can do for your health. After all my research and years of studying food and nutrition, the bottom line is this: Plants are incredibly healthy, so eat a variety of them, often.

One of my favorite nutrition books, “The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods,” by Michael Murray, Joseph Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno, puts it this way: “A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is your best bet for preventing virtually every chronic disease.”

Their advice is to eat a rainbow assortment of produce: “by selecting fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, you’ll be giving your body the full spectrum of pigments with powerful antioxidant effects, as well as the nutrients it needs for optimal function and protection against disease.”

To be clear, fruit is great too, it’s just somewhat overdone as compared to vegetables.

My mom doubled down on vegetables as she went through treatment. She’s now cancer free, and even though her oncologist told her she will end up with osteoporosis, she actually gained bone density by her last scan. Her commitment to staying active and eating lots of healthy stuff — with a very consistent smoothie habit — has paid off. Of course, this stuff isn’t a fix-all and anything can happen, but there’s undoubtedly something to be said for the healing powers of fresh foods.

So, if this inspires you to get your vegetable game going, consider making any and all of the following smoothie recipes a regular part of your routine. This can be a great way to start upping your vegetable intake.

I suggest trying the recipes as they appear here first, then play with them. Try different combos. Whatever appeals to you.

This can be your own healthy habit — and a tasty one, too!


German Mosquera’s Green Smoothie

This recipe is from German Mosquera, head chef at Verdine, a plant-based, vegan restaurant in the Heights. He says the secret ingredient is the frozen cucumber. Combine the ingredients in chunks and blend in a blender:

1/2 cup frozen English cucumber

2 1-inch coins of ginger, peeled

1/2 stalk celery, peeled, with ribs removed

1/2 cup frozen mango

1 cup spinach

12 ounces coconut water

Pinch of pink Himalayan salt

Pinch of cayenne


Juice Girl’s ‘Are You Experienced?’ Smoothie

This recipe is from Juice Girl, one of my favorite juice bars in Houston. Combine the ingredients in chunks and blend in a blender:

12-16 ounces nondairy milk of choice

Handful of spinach

1/2 frozen banana

2-3 frozen strawberries

See Also
Photo by Bing Han on Unsplash

2-3 chunks fresh or frozen pineapple

2-3 dates

1 tablespoon spirulina



My Go-To Green Smoothie

I learned this green smoothie recipe from our friend and amazing nanny, Blanca. What I love about it, strangely, is that it is not delicious. But it’s not bad, either! Basically, it’s just super healthful and straight to the point. I usually drink it with a spoon nearby. It tends to need a stir if it sits for long.

Combine the ingredients in chunks and blend in a blender:

1/2 stalk celery

4-5 baby carrots

1/2 green apple

2-3 inches of cucumber

Handful of baby spinach

8 ounces water

Handful of fresh berries


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