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3 healthy green smoothies

3 healthy green smoothies

German Mosquera’s Green Smoothie

This recipe is from German Mosquera, head chef at Verdine, a plant-based, vegan restaurant in the Heights. He says the secret ingredient is the frozen cucumber. Combine the ingredients in chunks and blend in a blender:

1/2 cup frozen English cucumber

2 1-inch coins of ginger, peeled

1/2 stalk celery, peeled, with ribs removed

1/2 cup frozen mango

1 cup spinach

12 ounces coconut water

Pinch of pink Himalayan salt

Pinch of cayenne


Juice Girl’s ‘Are You Experienced?’ Smoothie

This recipe is from Juice Girl, one of my favorite juice bars in Houston. Combine the ingredients in chunks and blend in a blender:

12-16 ounces nondairy milk of choice

Handful of spinach

1/2 frozen banana

2-3 frozen strawberries

2-3 chunks fresh or frozen pineapple

2-3 dates

1 tablespoon spirulina


See Also

My Go-To Green Smoothie

I learned this green smoothie recipe from our friend and amazing nanny, Blanca. What I love about it, strangely, is that it is not delicious. But it’s not bad, either! Basically, it’s just super healthful and straight to the point. I usually drink it with a spoon nearby. It tends to need a stir if it sits for long.

Combine the ingredients in chunks and blend in a blender:

1/2 stalk celery

4-5 baby carrots

1/2 green apple

2-3 inches of cucumber

Handful of baby spinach

8 ounces water

Handful of fresh berries

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