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How to use your built-in chill pill

One of the best tools for clearing our heads: breath.

I know that sounds simplistic, but I can personally attest to this, and yoga makes a big deal out of it, too. The yoga sutras, widely regarded as the authoritative text on yoga, says “calm is retained by the controlled exhalation or retention of breath.”

I’ll break that down in a second.

There are many yoga pranayamas, or breathing techniques, with various benefits from improving digestion to helping with insomnia, clearing sinuses, moderating blood pressure, and more. A lot of them are worth learning, and I’ll share various practices from time to time so you can see what works for you.

But today, instead of describing a complicated method that comes with a lot of rules and warnings, I’d like to offer guidance on the simplest way to experience calmness from breath. It goes right back to that sutra.

The key is to focus on exhalations.

Try this:

Take a deep breath in, then make your exhale extra long, slow and controlled. Steadily empty your lungs completely.

Once taking full exhales like this feels OK, start noticing the pause after each exhale, too.

See Also
Photo by Josue Escoto on Unsplash

That’s it! This is super basic, but that’s what makes it so great. Exhales have a very soothing and settling effect. By consciously directing our attention to extending them, we can evoke that sensation wherever we are, whatever we’re doing, whoever we’re with.

I find it helpful when I’m trying to relax in bed, watching a toddler meltdown, looking at my husband’s mess in the kitchen, waiting on hold with insurance, standing in line at the post office … I use it a lot. (I see my husband instinctively doing it when he sees how I’ve loaded the dishwasher.)

I’ll share other methods in the future, but I think you’ll find this to be a useful tool and a great way to start becoming more aware of your breath, which is a helpful skill in and of itself. Noticing the subtleties of our breath can provide insight into what’s going on within us and the ability to shift how we feel as needed.

So, start with this technique. Next time you’re in search of some calm, look no further than your next exhale.

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