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Light, easy recipes to kick off the new year

Light, easy recipes to kick off the new year

I love light and simple recipes (unless someone else is cooking — then heavy and complicated is totally cool).

Today, I’ve got a few goodies to share.

First, this kale salad is one of my absolute favorites. It’s great for any occasion. Lately, I’ve been swapping out the raisins for craisins to give it more of a holiday flair, but I make this salad all year long and more than any other in my repertoire. It’s straightforward, easy to know by heart and really tasty.

The Mediterranean turkey skillet is in my file to try after the holidays. It’s from Dr. Mary Claire Haver, OBGYN and Founder of the Galveston Diet. Her program is for women experiencing weight gain in menopause but the recipes (see: are easy and healthy for anyone. I like that the skillet recipe is basic and balanced, and anything topped with cheese catches my eye. Know what I mean?

Tuscan kale salad recipe

Mediterranean turkey skillet

See Also

Please give these dishes a try, let me know how you like them, and as always, send me your go-to quick and easy recipes (at bottom of this page), too. I’m always looking for new things to try!

On that note, happy home cooking, my friends, and happy New Year!

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