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Clear your space, clear your mind

Clear your space, clear your mind

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Excess and disorder make it hard to focus on what matters. Even what’s most important is less vivid when there’s too much other stuff around.

Enter the beauty of reorganizing. It’s easier to enjoy the things we care about when what we don’t care about is out of the way.

This topic has been front and center for me lately. I’ve been overwhelmed by all the stuff that needs tending to, frustrated by important tasks falling through the cracks and annoyed that more of my time isn’t spent being at ease and in the moment with my kids.

Part of this is mindset, but I’ve also needed to trim some fat in my space and schedule.

So, I “Kondoed” my house.

If you’re not familiar with tidying expert Marie Kondo, her schtick is simple: Pull out everything you own, weed out what no longer gives you joy, thank said items for their service and pitch them.

Kondo has built an empire out of the fabulously simple concept of spring cleaning — that it is wise, and it will make you feel good.

After going through my house room by room, then making deliveries to Goodwill, Westpark Recycling Center, LifeHouse Houston and Batteries + Bulbs with a year’s worth of dead batteries, I’m almost done. It has been a ton of work, but the outer order that’s emerging is totally affecting my inner space. The mission is streamlining my life.

See Also

And I haven’t just gotten rid of things, I’ve set up better systems. My kids’ medicines now live in containers labeled “need to do today” and “already done today.” Now there’s less clutter on my kitchen table and no time or energy wasted on figuring out what needs to happen. Small tweaks like this put into effect across our house have created more flow and ease, with a substantial amount of self-satisfaction (though I’ll admit that the process did make me a bit manic … more on that another time).

If any of this sounds pleasing, consider cleaning out one room. See how it feels. If it stirs up something good, you may be energized to keep going.

This is ultimately about setting ourselves up to see and appreciate what we have. It’s a labor of self-love — that just may involve cleaning your closet.

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