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Exercise has deeper benefits. Here’s how to unlock them

Exercise has deeper benefits. Here’s how to unlock them

Most of us start working out for physical reasons. Health and looks were definitely the impetus for my first gym membership. But I find that some of the biggest fruits of a regular regimen are deeper: It increases mental toughness and resilience.

Through mindful physical challenges, we can viscerally experience our own strength. As we challenge ourselves, it’s internalized. “I can do this” becomes ingrained. The result is that we feel more capable, more able to work through challenging situations, and we gain a greater sense of self-respect.

If breaking a sweat isn’t your fancy, here are a few tips that may help you jump into a more regular routine and tap into that inner power.

1. If a workout is too easy, you won’t see results and you won’t feel anything. Except maybe bored. I suggest leaning toward harder workouts, then modify as needed. Feeling challenged means you’re on the right track. Sweating does, too.

2. I love athletic (aka “power”) yoga. It’s one of the main styles I teach. It’s a great workout. If you’re totally new to yoga, try a hot class. The studio where I teach, YogaWorks, offers Hot Hatha classes (100-104 degrees) and Warm Hatha classes (90-95 degrees). If those sound miserable, I get it. “I hate the heat,” used to roll off my tongue. Then I tried a hot class. Life changing. At the end of that class, I was drenched in sweat but somehow felt amazing. These hot/warm classes are slowly paced so they’re great for newbies.

3. Try different kinds of workouts. If yoga isn’t your thing, try Zumba, or walking, or hiring a trainer, or Pilates, or cycling…there are tons of options. Find something that you can enjoy, or at least not hate.

I love the recent Renew story about Brandon Buras. At 27 years old, he was overweight and his blood pressure was ticking up. He tried a class at Ride Indoor Cycling in his neighborhood, prepared to hate it. Instead: “It was kind of odd. I was like, ‘Wow, that was kind of enjoyable.’” He kept going and has lost more than 100 pounds.

4. Use music with intentionality. Take some time to put together a motivating playlist. When songs build momentum, increase your exertion. Back off when they slow down. Incorporate this in any kind of workout. It will help you to stay interested, and those spurts of greater intensity (intervals) are great for you.

5. Running is a great workout for a few reasons. It’s free, and you can do it basically anywhere. But it can also be boring and particularly daunting. So, to make it better, I suggest integrating intervals. Occasionally increase intensity (as mentioned in No. 4), but do other things, too. From time to time, run backward (please do this in a safe space!), skip, or do a side shuffle. In the middle of my runs, I also like to stop and set a timer for five to 10 minutes where I do other exercises, like jumping jacks, push-ups, dips, mountain climbers, etc. This breaks up the workout and makes it more interesting and well-rounded. Be warned: Don’t take this as an invitation to stop completely and take a break. Doing so can zap momentum and make it really hard to get going again.

See Also

6. Know that it gets better. The hardest part of working out is getting started. But stick with it. In individual workouts and in developing the habit, momentum eventually kicks in and fuels you to keep going. I can’t say how long it takes for the shift to happen, but it happens.

7. Just as all of this can make you tougher and able to handle more, take time to regularly nourish your softer side, too. I’ve learned that what’s just as important as being able to push through adversity, is being flexible and able to let go. Whether you take time to stretch and recover immediately after a workout (which would be ideal), or prioritize some sort of quiet time later in the day, this part of the picture is essential on a physical level, and more. I’ll get into this again soon.

I know for sure that exercise has given me more grit and perseverance. I’d still rather watch Netflix than lace up, but maintaining the habit is deeply rewarding — whether I have the abs to show for it or not.

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