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How to age better, live longer and have fewer aches and pains

How to age better, live longer and have fewer aches and pains

If only there were a pill.

Imaginary quick fixes aside, there are probably a few ways to approach a topic like this. But as a yoga and meditation instructor, I have seen two factors have tremendously positive effects: mental discipline and a certain kind of fitness.

First, habitual negativity, reactivity and compulsivity takes a toll on everything about the way we live — from how we feel, to how we look, to how our bodies function. Developing mental discipline is vital for being less dominated by these fluctuations of the mind.

Meditation, learning about mindfulness and various spiritual practices are useful to this end. If you’re looking for more direction here, some of my favorite authors on these topics are Jon Kabat Zinn, Michael Singer and Dan Harris.

The second factor for aging with vitality: musculoskeletal fitness, which essentially entails muscle strength, balance and flexibility.

Researchers studied this by assessing how well people from 51 to 80 years old (many of whom were in shape) could get up and down off the floor. Results published in the European Journal of Cardiology showed a “three-year shorter life expectancy among subjects placed in the lowest score category (having the most trouble getting up and down) as compared to subjects with the best score category (having the least trouble).”

In other words, greater agility as we age doesn’t just mean that we get around better and experience less pain. The paper’s authors suggest that it may also extend our lives.

See Also
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

This isn’t to say you should feel doomed if you’re not Gumby. Please don’t get discouraged if trying (or even imagining) this exercise isn’t a rousing success. But I suggest keeping this broad idea in mind. When it comes to physical activity, the best regimens are well-rounded. They include a little bit of everything. A little bit of strengthening, a little bit of balance work, some stretching and, yes, cardio.

You might check out this free yoga video. It incorporates a touch of it all. I suggest warming up first (a light jog or walk, or even dancing around to a favorite tune will do the trick). The video is 23 minutes, and it works on strength, balance and flexibility.

But whatever you choose to do in terms of physical activity, the main idea is to mix it up. You may not hit every base every day, but variety in this context isn’t just the spice of life. It may be the extender of it, too.

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