There’s no need to start the summer on a diet. I’m really not into that approach.

On the other hand, I think it’s helpful to have a few recipes in your back pocket for hot summer days. Recipes that you could pull out anytime, of course, but they’re all-stars when something light and refreshing just feels right.

“Cosmic Nutrition: The Taoist Approach to Health and Longevity,” by Mantak Chia and William U. Wei, says interesting stuff about eating what feels right. “Life can be seen as a flow of energy,” the authors write, adding: “It is up to us to find harmony and balance within that flow.”

To that end, it’s actually important to seek out cooling and raw foods in summer months.

Chia and Wei suggest: “If the temperature soars over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, use more seasonal fruits and vegetables, and few grains, beans, and cooked foods. By eating in this manner heat and cold will be more comfortable, mentally and physically.”

We intuitively know this, but we may not always consciously recognize it.

So, here are a couple of recipes that fit the bill for toasty summer days. I’m excited to share them because they’re two of my current favorite super-healthy and easy side dishes.

They’re worth getting a head start on summer!


Lemon-avocado kale salad

Cabbage and apple salad

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