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A recipe that tastes and feels like fall

A recipe that tastes and feels like fall

Pumpkin usually steals the show, but two of the best fall flavors are apple and cinnamon.

With the proper preparation, they feel just right this time of year, too.

Raw fruits and veggies tend to have cooling effects, and apples are no exception. Raw apples promote coldness, dryness, and their tart, tangy flavor (and crisp bite) gives them a cleansing and refreshing vibe. But when apples are cooked, they have an entirely different feel.

Cooked apples are sweeter, more warming and easier to digest. Cinnamon adds to that. Its strong, slightly sweet, punchy but earthy essence is warming and grounding. The cooked apple and cinnamon combo is wonderful as temperatures cool.

So, here’s a recipe that you might enjoy. It’s super moist, thanks to lots of apple chunks, applesauce and equal parts oil and plain yogurt. Other highlights: It’s full of fall spice and made with white whole wheat flour (my go-to because it has the health perks of whole wheat, but it cooks more like white flour).

See Also
Photo by Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

Whether you give this recipe a try or do something else with cooked apples and cinnamon (the options are endless), I hope you enjoy the taste of autumn. I think it’s the most distinctively fun and flavorful time of year!

Apple cinnamon bread recipe here.

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