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Set this intention for TODAY

Set this intention for TODAY

I’d like to offer you an intention for today. Try it on for size. Maybe never touch it again, but at least for today, give it the old college try.

Tell yourself: “my intention is to feel great.”

I know this sounds simplistic, but it’s worth the reminder. So seriously, slow down, take a deep breath and say those words in your head. Or out loud:“My intention is to feel great.”

I invite you to make this a through-line and litmus test for your day. In everything you do, or are deciding whether to do, see if you can make feeling great your modus operandi and bottom line.

We tend to get caught up in what we convince ourselves is real and important. We run around absorbed in on all the things we “have to” and “should” do and often lose sight of what we ultimately want – on a most basic level: to feel good.I do this, anyway.

I cringe to say this, but I don’t enjoy a lot of my agenda. It feels like nonstop effort and tasking. Laundry, dishes, diapers, picking up toys, following a wild 2-year-old as he rampages through the house, potty training, trying to squeeze in work, making dinner, exercise, more laundry…

I’m incredibly grateful for my life and family and I’ve been feeling crushed and depleted by the magnitude and monotony of how much it all demands.

Setting a positive intention isn’t a fix-all, but it’s a piece of the puzzle, and an anchor to stay connected with what matters. It’s showing me how often I could do things with a lighter touch. How much I could drop.

In theory, what we do and how we do it will change for the better when “feeling great” is an explicit intention. In reality, it helps sometimes. If you’re like me, you’ll frequently forget or decide you’re not in the mood.

See Also

The truth is we’re never going to feel like a million bucks all the time. We’re not supposed to. All of our emotions are valid and important to feel and acknowledge. But setting an intention to feel great is a useful way to bring more grace and good vibes into what we can control.

So, try this with me!

You could set your own personalized intention, but intending to feel great is basic, simple and straightforward. I think it’s a sweet spot, or at least a good place to start.

Let’s do this. Let’s make today great. Then do it again.

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