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Two low-stress, high-payoff summer meal recipes

Two low-stress, high-payoff summer meal recipes

No one wants to spend a hot summer day at a stove. This is a great time of year for easy cooking.

I’m always on the hunt for quick, simple, super tasty recipes to prepare and share, and I’m excited to recommend these two main-course options.

I think home-cooked meals are something to cherish, and yet I routinely agonize over, “What should I cook for dinner?” and feel overwhelmed by recipes with too many steps.

If you can’t relate, don’t change — I admire you. But if you can, these recipes may be right up your alley.

Give these dishes a try and as always, give me a shout if you have any recipes that fit the bill. I’d love to try them and potentially share them, too!

See Also

Recipe: Sheet pan lemony caper chicken

Recipe: Portabella sandwiches

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