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Let it be easy. 2 quick and simple recipes for dinner.

Let it be easy. 2 quick and simple recipes for dinner.

Sometimes I like to share super practical ways to add more ease and flow to your day. Like recipes that taste good but don’t require a lot of time and mindshare.

Here’s are a few of my faves.

Spaghetti and clam sauce recipe

Simple tomato salad recipe

This spaghetti and clam sauce is adapted from my cookbook, “Nourishing Your Whole Self: A Cookbook With Feelings.” The book was published in 2015, and since then, I’ve started preferring a slightly thicker sauce. This version reflects that change.

I’ve also been appreciating one-item salads as of late. Just tomatoes. Just cucumbers (I’ll share that one soon). When you add a tasty homemade dressing (and admittedly a good amount of salt), these salads are simple, yummy and ready in a jiff.

See Also
Photo by Bing Han on Unsplash

One more note on the pasta: I try to eat a diet that’s full of whole grains and general freshness. This recipe is made with white pasta and canned clams. It doesn’t exactly fit the bill, but I still make it because I really like it and it’s easy! Life is full of tradeoffs. This is one I’m willing to make and eat.


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