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Where does your stress show up?

Where does your stress show up?

We know that stress shows up in our bodies. There are three places where it is particularly easy to observe — both in others and ourselves.

The forehead: When thoughts are troubling us in one way or another, the brow furrows and head tightens.

The jaw: We often don’t know how to express ourselves, or we don’t like what we hear. The jaw clamps.

The shoulders: They crunch up when we’re uptight and on edge.

These spots make up an area referred to as the “triangle of tension.”

Stress can be clear to see and feel in this zone, but ultimately everything is connected, so our internal state actually creates strain everywhere.

See Also
Photo by Bing Han on Unsplash

The good news is that when we’re aware, we can act.

Start paying attention to your triangle. When you notice physical tightness, take a deep breath and relax it. We have the power to release physical stress, at least some of it, when we just recognize it’s there.

And letting go in your body helps ease some of the underlying stress, too. It’s a positive feedback loop — much better than a triangle of tension.

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