A basic diet, for those who don’t want a diet

No one likes the idea of dieting. So, when I heard someone talking about how he helps people “have their cake and eat it too” – how to be healthy and fit without sacrificing – I needed to know more. How? That was my main question for Gaston Kroneman, who teaches at Ride Indoor Cycling […]

Fun, feel-good workouts you can do at home

The way we workout is just another one of the things that 2020 has completely blown up. I used to teach several yoga classes a week, and I bounced around town to take various fitness classes, too. Now, while many places have reopened, working out from home remains appropriate for a lot of us. This […]

How to age better, live longer and have fewer aches and pains

If only there were a pill. Imaginary quick fixes aside, there are probably a few ways to approach a topic like this. But as a yoga and meditation instructor, I have seen two factors have tremendously positive effects: mental discipline and a certain kind of fitness. First, habitual negativity, reactivity and compulsivity takes a toll […]

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