Plant foods have superpowers.

I used to study plant-based nutrition, and my old notes touch on the vast and awesome impacts of nature’s bounty.

Cherries have pain-relieving qualities. Ginger helps with nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy and motion sickness. Cranberries (and even blueberries) are good for urinary health and the prevention, sometimes even the treatment, of infections. Yams can help relieve PMS symptoms. Beets can help our livers detox and our bowels rev up. Celery is a natural source of electrolytes. Apples are linked with lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. I could go on and on, and I’ve only scratched the surface of how these foods from Mother Earth can nourish and heal us.

With that in mind, and after several illnesses and various health issues in our house, I’ve been trying to refocus on eating and preparing as many plants as possible. We still eat meat as well, but quantity and variety of veggies have been the top priority. A doctor recently reminded me that what we put into our mouths can help heal us or make us sick. “Eat a lot of vegetables” was her bottom line.

As I double down in this department, here are few anti-recipes that may help you do the same. I say anti-recipes because my intention here is to offer ideas and inspiration more than firm recipes with precise measurements or even specific ingredients. I hope this will get your creative juices flowing, and more veggies cooking.

Veggie pockets

Veggies and rice (and chicken)

Pea soup

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