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Chimichurri chicken bowl

Chimichurri chicken bowl


Brown rice as a base

Frozen peas (I buy the bags you can steam in the microwave)

Cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

Avocado slices

Rotisserie (or leftover) chicken, in pieces

Chimichurri sauce to drizzle on top (this makes a generous amount, use remainder for another meal).

Gently stir to combine the following (then set on the counter for at least 5 minutes):

1/2 extra virgin cup olive oil

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1/2 cup finely chopped parsley or cilantro

3 cloves minced garlic

1 teaspoon coarse salt

3/4 teaspoon dried oregano

See Also

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon red chili (optional) finely chopped with seeds removed



There really aren’t any instructions!

The beauty of this kind of meal is that it requires little thinking. With a few exceptions, such as the chimichurri sauce, I don’t measure anything.

Use as much of each ingredient as you like. Have fun with it!

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