Self-Love Society

Weekly exercises, tools, and inspiration for positive life change

Membership Program

Self-Love Society

Membership Program

Weekly exercises,
tools and inspiration
for positive life change

Join the community and share self-love!

Struggling with deeply ingrained negativity and critical introspection? 

You’re not alone. Most of us are trained to that mindset from an early age.

Learn how to identify self-sabotage and overcome the internal forces holding you back through simple but effective techniques and exercises you can do on your own time.

Wellness is about more than just diet and exercise. It’s also about loving yourself and actively pursuing your own development and growth.  

How it works

Every week has a theme. 

It may involve stress relief, changing your self-talk, examining your thoughts, practicing gratitude, you name it.

Whatever the topic, you will get tools and inspiration to put the lesson into action.

How it works

Every week has a theme. It may have to do with stress relief, increasing positive emotions, or improving sleep. Whatever the topic, you will get tools and inspiration to put the lesson into action.

What’s included:

Guided meditations

In your inbox first thing Monday morning: a 5–15-minute audio recording of a guided meditation that you can listen to anytime, anywhere.

Whether the theme and corresponding meditation is focused on gratitude, crafting a vision, cultivating self-compassion or anything else, you will build skills to help you grow more present, self-aware, and at ease.

“I love the meditations. Marci’s voice is soothing … She’s the perfect guide for me.”

“The meditations relax me & remind me to incorporate mindfulness into my day more regularly.”

Words of encouragement and inspiration

The “Dose of Inspiration” is a mini self-love column.

These short articles, which you will also receive on Mondays, are meant to motivate, empower, and inspire. They share practical steps for positive change.

“Marci has a lot of knowledge and a wonderful manner about her.”

“The columns are always helpful.”

Somatic exercises

Thinking isn’t the only way—or even the best way—to solve our problems and enact positive change.

Progress takes action. It takes getting out of our heads and into motion.

The somatic exercises include yoga practices, tai chi, walking meditations, and more. They sometimes involve singing, dancing, humming. The intention is always to get you into your body.

These exercises, which are the third and final component of the emails you’ll get on Mondays, shake things up. They dislodge tension and help the lessons sink in. 

“It really helps me to focus when Marci includes the body in the practice.”

“Wellness is just a click away. The practices are available any time, any place. They are the perfect length…

Healthy recipes

Receive a quick, easy, healthy recipe in your inbox on Thursdays.

It can be hard to stay motivated to cook and eat well, so here is some inspiration! Some of the recipes are tried-and-true favorites, others are on my list of things to try.

They all look delish.

“I love how you give the recipes. I share them with my mom. She uses them to keep my dad eating healthier. He could eat pizza every day.”

Journal prompts

Journaling reduces stress, regulates emotions, and increases self-awareness, clarity, and direction.

On Wednesdays, you’ll get a journal prompt that ties into the theme of the week. It’s an opportunity to go deeper–to integrate the lessons and get to know and love yourself more and more!

Feel-good recommendations

On Fridays, Marci shares something that she’s jazzed about; something feel-good.

The rec may not be directly tied to personal growth and development (it could be a TV show, a random product, a song, a cool spot…) but my intention is to offer something happy, healthy, inspiring, or smile-worthy.

This is meant to be a fun and inspiring exchange of ideas. Your comments and recommendations are welcome and encouraged!  

1. Guided meditations

These are 5–15-minute audio recordings that you can listen to anytime, anywhere.

Whether the theme and corresponding meditation is focused on gratitude, crafting a vision, cultivating self-compassion or anything else, you will build skills to help you grow more present, self-aware, and at ease.

“I love the meditations. Marci’s voice is soothing … She’s the perfect guide for me.”

“The meditations relax me & remind me to incorporate mindfulness into my day more regularly.”

2. Words of encouragement and inspiration

The “Dose of Inspiration” is a mini self-love column.
These short articles are meant to motivate, empower, and inspire. They share practical steps for positive change.

“Marci has a lot of knowledge and you have a wonderful manner about her.”

“I feel like I’ve become more self-aware and kinder to myself.”

“The columns are always helpful.”

3. Somatic exercises

Thinking isn’t the only way—or always the best way—to solve our problems and enact positive change.
Progress takes action. It takes getting out of our heads and into motion.
The somatic exercises are made up of yoga practices, tai chi, walking meditations, and more. They sometimes involve singing, dancing, humming. Other times they’re mediations with a special focus on physical sensation. The intention is always to get you out of your head and into your body.
These exercise shake things up. They dislodge tension and help the lessons more deeply sink in.

“It really helps me to focus when you include the body in the practice.”

“The practices are available any time, any place- I have no excuse not to look after my well-being because wellness is just a click away. They are the perfect length so I can fit them in either in the morning before work, or after work to transition to home to dinner to family!”

4. Healthy recipes

Receive a quick, easy, healthy recipe every week.
It can be hard to stay motivated to cook and eat well. Let me offer you some inspiration! Some of the recipes are my tried-and-true favorites, others are on my list of things to try. They all look delish.

“I love how you give the recipes. I share them with my mom. She uses them to keep my dad eating healthier. He could eat pizza every day.”

Members also get coaching!

Marci will work with you to increase self-awareness, cultivate self-acceptance and compassion, craft a vision for positive change and establish empowered habits.

Members receive exclusive 30-minute sessions for a just $30 apiece and even deeper discounts on coaching packages.

After signing up for the Self-Love Society, send Marci a message here to set up your sessions.

Members-Only Bonus

Right when you sign up, you will get instant access to Lift Your Vibe, a series of 20 meditations that aim to help clear old patterns of negativity and progressively raise the quality of your energy.

What if you could get out of your own way?

What if you could find peace amid the chaos?
If you could tap into your creativity, resilience, grace, beauty, and joy?

Join now and reconnect with who you really are.

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