A Tip To Start Your Day Right

I wish I could say that I wake up every morning feeling bubbly and ready to go. That’s not the case. Many mornings I feel a bit overwhelmed, anxious, or just tired. While I’m working on some adjustments so this isn’t the case, here are some things that help in the meantime. I hope they […]

How to Move “Bad Energy” Out of You

Today’s tip is for when you get cut off, someone irritates you, you’re feeling self-conscious, or anytime you’re generally bothered in any way. When any of that shit happens, take a step back, almost like you’re stepping outside of yourself, notice the narrative in your mind and how the experience feels inside you. Simply observe. […]

Life Is Short. Find Delight!

I honestly didn’t really understand this concept at first. I asked my friend if eating cookies and watching TV counts. She didn’t condemn that, but told me to do something else too. It made me realize that I stopped “playing” years ago. Now I work, and the things I do for fun tend to either […]

This Quick Stretch Helps Take The Edge Off

Many of us have perpetually tight necks and jaws. Chalk it up to chronic stress. All that rigidity signals fear to the rest of our bodies which shows up in the form of exhaustion, irritability, cloudy thinking, an upset stomach, constipation, general anxiety… you name it. While getting rid of that stress is a bigger […]

Notice the Voice(s) in Your Head

For me, those voices tend to be going at all times. The narrator in my head judges, assess, compares, runs through to-do lists…it doesn’t stop. And while it can be a helpful companion when it comes to getting things done, it also can out of control and destructive. When I’m lost in my head or […]

Meditate. NOW!

By this point, you probably already know that meditation is “good for you.” Benefits include everything from a clearer mind, to better sleep, to enhanced immunity… reduced signs of aging… the list is long and impressive! But perhaps you feel like it’s hard to find the time? Well right here, right now, let’s take 5 […]

A Diet That Will Work For You

Do you ever feel unsure about what you “should” or “shouldn’t” be eating? There’s a ton of conflicting information when it comes to food! People ask me all the time if I’m gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free, vegan, vegetarian, sober, etc. They’ve often read articles or seen TV segments that make them feel like […]

How to Make an Intuitive Decision

You know those moments where you feel stuck, and you just don’t know how to proceed? Today I have four tricks for tuning in to our gut sense to make decisions that are aligned with intuition. First: write. It’s amazing, sometimes I feel too lazy to do this, but when I actually start to journal, […]

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