We’re inclined to be our own worst enemies.

We beat ourselves up, get in our own way, and it’s not uncommon to frequently wonder, “What’s wrong with me?!”

I know this pitfall myself, and I see it all around. It’s a dynamic I’m determined to understand and shift.


Enter self-love.

I want to help you soak in self-love.


This is not narcissistic or woo-woo. It’s foundational.

Self-love is comprised of awareness, acceptance, and kindness. It’s about treating ourselves like we treat our children or dear friends.

Possibilities open up when we stop being at war with ourselves. We start to feel better and show up for others more powerfully. We can more deeply savor this wild and precious life. We can leave a loving mark.


Learning how to love and genuinely care for ourselves takes practice. I’m here to help and offer direction. I’m working on it, too. So let’s dig in, dear friend. (Yes, I’m talking to you … and me!)

As for me…

I’m a self-love columnist and coach.

I used to be a TV news anchor and reporter, but after a decade in the business, I no longer wanted to cover murders, fires, and crime. I wanted to talk about other things.

So here we are.

My programs and coaching are aimed at increasing self-acceptance and love.

My column, Feeling Matters, ran in the Houston Chronicle and other Hearst publications for four years.

I’m a yoga, meditation, and group fitness instructor, and my book, Nourishing Your Whole Self: A Cookbook with Feelings (Pelican Publishing, 2015), broadly about mindful eating, categorizes recipes by how they make you feel.

Before leaving TV news, I produced health and cooking segments, including Feel Good Food, which aired for three years on Tribune stations in Houston, Dallas, and New Orleans, and Mindful Minute, a digital spot for CW39 in Houston. I also wrote a wellness blog on the Houston Chronicle’s chron.com for several years.

I’m a special needs momma, and I live in Houston with my husband, Sajid, and two young kids.

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