When he wanted something fast, light and tasty, my husband’s go-to was always lean lemon turkey from My Fit Foods. He often had a few of the packaged meal containers in the fridge.

And I would sneakily graze on them one spoonful at a time.

Since My Fit Foods closed a few years ago, we set about re-creating the dish, and I think we’ve landed on something solid.

If you’re not familiar with the prepared meals chain and this particular dish, it’s a good one. This recipe is lean, zesty and quick and easy to make. Find it here.

Our version doubles down on the asparagus, so it’s more vegetable-heavy than the original. In all, it’s a wholesome meal that I think you’ll find light but satisfying.

Give it a try and, as I start looking ahead to my next food feature, send me any smoothie recipes (particularly ones with vegetables) that you love. Send them my way here (scroll to the bottom of the page).

Until then, I hope this helps you solve at least one day of the “what should we have for dinner?” debate.



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