Having trouble falling asleep is the worst.

So, when I find strategies that can help with occasional restless nights, I’m eager to share. Here are four tips to keep in your pajamas’ back pocket.

1. Warm your feet.

When you catch yourself rubbing your feet together because you can’t kick a chill — stop. Put on socks or, better yet, run your toes under warm water.

I’ve read that warming your feet improves circulation and sends sleepy signals to the brain. But even more, I know from experience that frosty piggies disrupt R&R. Any kind of tension gets in the way of drifting off.

Warming your feet can have the opposite effect.

Even if I don’t take a shower at night (which I prefer), I always at least rinse my feet. It sounds weird, but it helps my whole body settle.

Try this before bed. Let me know if it’s soothing to you, too!

Another idea: Some say sleeping with a foot outside the covers helps regulate your temperature through the night. I often find this to be true.

2. Notice the tension in your body. Let it go.

When I’m having trouble falling asleep, I always notice that my body is extra tight. When I take a step back, I recognize that I’m stuck in my thoughts, and my body is reflecting that tension.

There are different ways to address this:

3. Ask for help.

This tip isn’t the best because it’s often not an option. But, if you have a partner who is around, not asleep, and in a good mood, you might ask for a light head scratch or gentle finger stroke down the center of your forehead. Just a minute or two of this can help your mind power down and allow the rest of your body to follow suit.

4. Get up.

This applies in a few ways.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that sleep experts say a consistent schedule (particularly getting up at the same time every morning) is step one if falling asleep at night is a regular problem.

Beyond that, it’s a good idea to get up when you’re tossing and turning, too.

It’s so tempting to lazily lie there, stressing about how tired you’re bound to be, but that just makes everything worse.

Try a change of scenery for 10-15 minutes, then try again.

I like to get up and read something boring. But, sorry friends, I can’t help you there 🙂

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