COVID-19 is affecting the way many of us eat. Whether you’re overeating from stress or boredom, struggling to purchase healthy food or not having time to cook, there are a lot of ways your diet may be thrown off.

I wrote a cookbook that categorizes recipes by how they make you feel. So here are some thoughts on eating in a way that feels good.

Notice how foods make you feel

This is the premise of my cookbook: When we viscerally appreciate how various foods make us feel, we eat better.

This comes down to becoming more connected with our bodies. Practices that help include deep breathing, meditations and the “Can I Soften?” exercise, which I’ve mentioned before, and urges you to consider if there’s physical tension you can release and notice if doing so helps loosen what you’re mentally absorbed in, too. There are a number of apps and websites that provide direction on these practices, which are also broadly great for helping relieve stress.

When it comes to food, these practices make us more attuned to our bodies, which naturally gravitates us toward more healthful fare and moderation.

At least, this has been the case for me. I don’t have a perfect diet. I love sweets, and I can go to town on tortilla chips and dip, but mindfulness continues to help me become more tuned in, nonjudgmental and balanced.

The 80/20 approach

The main idea here is to eat a healthful diet 80 percent of the time. Think whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. The remaining 20 percent of the time, eat whatever you want.

This is somewhat easier said than done right now. Being able to find and afford healthful food can be a challenge. This approach gives a loose structure to what I described above. It’s a broad formula to keep in mind, and we do the best we can.

Keep an eye out for patterns that work

Little bits of firmer structure can be helpful, too. As you prioritize mindfulness and moderation, keep track of what works.

For example, I start the day with a mug of warm lemon water. It’s cleansing, hydrating and refreshing. I know that a somewhat late and light first meal energizes me. In the evening, I love dessert. Sweets in the middle of the day throw off my energy, but I find them delightful and gratifying after dinner. These are just a few of the patterns that work for me.

Getting clear on what works for you can take stress off and help healthy habits stick.

Drink a lot of water

I like adding lemon, lime or a splash of juice to make water more enticing.

Staying well hydrated is good for overall functioning, and it helps cut down on eating when not hungry — which is annoyingly easy to do, coronavirus or not.

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