I did an exercise recently that made my whole life make more sense. It may be helpful for you, too.

Here’s the background.

A few months back, I wrote a column about finding your purpose. In it, I suggest that instead of trying to pinpoint your precise calling (a daunting task in my view), just enjoy the moment.

“In other words, stop trying to figure it all out. The path to passion lies in enjoying right now. When that happens, we’re happier. And when we’re happier, life works better. It flows. We experience joy and ease and an authentic way of living — hallmarks of a life with passion and purpose — and that guides us fluidly toward more of the same. You may never be able to clearly articulate your calling, but in this approach, that ceases to matter. Life becomes subtly infused with beauty and meaning.”

Well, this tactic has done some cool stuff — it guided me directly to an articulatable purpose. It happened when I started working with a branding coach who shared the following exercise. Here’s how to give it a whirl.

Look at the accompanying list and select the category that feels most authentically you. There may be more than one that applies, but try to nail it down to one or two categories that fit best. You’re not allowed to mix and match. Also, if one word in the category feels wrong, the whole line is out.

Your Purpose Category

1. Teaching Learning Knowledge Inspiring others

2. Creativity Art Craft Making Beauty

3. Healing Medicine Mending the body or mind Therapy

4. Awakening Spiritual growth Personal growth Evolution

5. Supporting others Helping Assisting Social work

6. Loving Nurturing Feeding Family care

7. Giving birth Mothering Nurturing

8. Fixing Repairing things, people, organizations Cleaning Restoring

9. Building Developing Designing Architecture Engineering

10. Nature Environment Earth-based traditions

11. Entertaining Fun Performing Play Enjoyment Theater

12. Discover Exploration Research Experimenting

13. Scouting Exploring new territory Journalism Astronautics Anthropology

14. Defending Protecting Military Warrior

15. Control Mastery Management Influence

16. Leading Business Politics Military Public service

17. Variety Exploring Changing Tasting

Source: Creating on Purpose, Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman

My interests, career moves, favorite conversation topics and general life choices all made more sense when No. 4 was my clear answer. Questioning my purpose is my purpose.

But this exercise is helpful in other ways, too — such as understanding other people.

I previously didn’t get, for example, why my mom redecorates constantly. She’s No. 2.

My sister is a teacher. We endearingly poke fun at her for having 21 questions for everything. She’s No. 1.

My hyper-logical husband, with a background in business consulting/management and law, who does nothing willy-nilly, is No. 15.

These categories aren’t meant to put people in boxes. They’re not limiting. I think they’re the opposite. They call out foundational passions to help us gain insight about ourselves and others. That’s big. Increasing understanding increases compassion and possibility. I can more actively support my loved ones — and myself — when I appreciate what’s essential to each of us.

But back to my earlier column, I stand behind my conclusion. This exercise may help us name our purpose. Enjoying each moment is how we live it.

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